jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

"Combate": productora habla del cásting en Esto es guerra teens y World War Z 2 May Go In A Completely Different Direction

Muy Útil, "Combate": productora habla del cásting en Esto es guerra teens 20/01/2015

Marisol Crousillat considera que el problema se originó por un tema de organización, no de discriminación

Es Noticia, World War Z 2 May Go In A Completely Different Direction 20/01/2015

Is World War Z 2 going to hit the reset button on the franchise? We've been wondering just where we're heading when the sequel to the Brad Pitt-led zombie actioner hits theaters in 2016, and now the film's screenwriter has revealed an interesting little tidbit. Well, it's not all that "little," considering his wording implies we could be looking at an entirely different direction than originally thought. Speaking with Thompson on Hollywood during a recent interview, Steve Knight, who's writing the treatment for World War Z 2, revealed that the production won't necessarily be picking up where Pitt's Gerry Lane left off after ...
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